Hello all! My name is Alanna, and I'm here to bring you a special message. A few months ago, I was faced with a very important decision - to continue living a life smothered by depression, or to accept and trust the loving hands that were reaching down to pull me out of the darkness. I chose the latter, and that is why I am here now, writing this blog post. I have realized how lucky I am to be alive, to have so many gifts and such a strong network of family and friends.
I have also realized, however, how many people there are in this world that do not - or cannot - recognize the beauty and goodness around them. I know what it is like to live in a metaphorical abyss where one is completely unaware that there is so much more to life. I have not climbed completely out of the pit yet - such a goal can take weeks or years. I invite anyone who wishes to follow me on my journey - through art, community, faith, travel, writing, and love - to discover something intrinsic to our existence: that life is beautiful.
Love you, Alanna.